The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome published a new book

The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome recently published a new book intitled "The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome. Its history, its people and its survival for 300 years".

This new book explains:

- how the Cemetery has grown from its origins in the 18th century to today’s layout, drawing on extensive new research 
- who has been buried there, with notes on over 300 of them, ranging from diplomats to dancers and from sculptors to sailors, and an index of their grave locations 
- how it has survived various threats, such as a new road and tramline due to be built across the oldest graves 
- how its active use today is reconciled with increasing numbers of visitors. 
The volume contains more than 80 illustrations, many of them little known and several of them not previously published; and five maps which have been specially drawn.

This book is on sales at the Visitors` Centre at the Cemetery (Via Caio Cestio 6, 00153 Roma) or online at An italian version will be published this month.