Maciachini’s commemorative stamp

A commemorative postage stamp to celebrate the two-hundredth anniversary of Maciachini’s birth was commisioned by Poste Italiane and printed by the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato in Rome. 

Six-thousand certified copies numbered from 0001 to 6,000 were realized. The stamp comes in a 145x90 mm gum-silicon coated paper sheet, and features a 30x40 mm perforated edge. The package includes also a 0,60 cents stamp bearing the cancellation date of the commemoration, i.e. April 7th 2018 to celebrate the great architect of the Monumentale Cemetery of Milan.

The full package can be requested to Amici del Monumentale at to fund the restoration of Maciachini’s tomb.