On the streets of culture:times, spaces, subjects, writings

A seminar between experimentation and interdisciplinarity.

The Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Tourism has declared 2016 the National Year of the Walk.

The promotion of cultural routes can definitely benefit from an integrated approach between sound science and management skills bases that optimize, highlighting cultural aspects, intangible and tangible.

The seminar aims to stimulate reflection on certain dynamics of exchanges and mutual influences, resulting from the movement of people, objects, styles and ideas.

In particular, the seminar begins with a methodological reflection on the enhancement of the ancient roads and routes, continues declining sense of walking into a cross-language and cross-cultural perspective and then focus on specific items of authors linked to particular places and routes, while closing takes consider a number of issues and implications of routes and journeys curious and unusual.

Facilitating the comparison of skills, experience and professionalism, the seminar, interdisciplinary vocation, aims to combine humanistic knowledge and management cultures in order to analyze, understand and exploit, but above all to rediscover and promote a dynamic cultural heritage and plural, whose souls woven through time and space.