Have a look at the events in Staglieno Cemetery - Genoa:
from May
29th to June 4th 2017
Tours (Excepted June 2nd
h10.00 a.m and June 3rd h3.00 p.m.)
a.m. Let’s save our cultural heritage of Staglieno. Following an itinerary including the old portico and
the nearest areas we will visit some of the most important recently restored
sculptures such as “La Venditrice di Noccioline” (The Nuts Seller) Caterina
Campodonico, Scanzi’s Nocchiero Angel and the grave of Constance Lloyd - Oscar
Wilde’s wife.
a.m. Looking at Staglieno with poets’ point of view. An
evocative itinerary will guide the visitor through verses and tales of great poets and literary
men like Mark Twain or famous characters like the empress Elizabeth of Austria
(nicknamed Sissi)
3.00 p.m. Staglieno, Risorgimento , National Liberation:
Human history and National ideals.
This Itinerary will
focus on the historical importance of some characters who, in different periods
and ways, left a mark on Italian history. Starting from the Second World War
Memorial (Campo dei Caduti), the tour will guide the visitor back to the past
where rest some of Risorgimento’s main characters like Giuseppe Mazzini, whose
grave is a fundamental starting point to understand the
National identity.
Pick up
near the Statua della Fede.
From May
29th to June 4th
the Immortals
Photo Exhibition by Maurizio Logiacco
Looking for the Olimpus Gods. Twelve pictures, twelve Greek Gods. The
photographer looked for the iconographic signs of the Gods during the classical
period, capturing foreshortened, single figures and entire memorials in Staglieno.
Central Hall
From h 8.00 a.m. to h 4.30 p.m.
A year of
restoration work.
May 31st
h 10.00 a.m. Official
Launch of the restoration works with the participation of Caterina Olcese
Spingardi, member of the Archelogical, Arts and Landscapes Autority of Genoa,
La Spezia, Imperia and Savona.
Laic Temple
H11.30 a.m. Inauguration of the restored Chiossone
Monument, with the participation of David Chiossone Institute.
Boschetto dei Mille (Starting from the Laic Temple)
H 3.00 p.m. Discovering
the recently restored monuments guided by the restorer Stefano Vassallo member
of the Archelogical, Arts and Landscapes Autority of Genoa, La Spezia, Imperia
and Savona.
Pick up Lateral Hall (near the flowers shops)
Meet up with blind people
June 2nd h10.00 a.m.
Guided tour to
Staglieno reserved to blind people.
Reservation required
Max 20 people – 2
hours tour
For information and
reservation please contact Lidia
Schichter: tel. 328 4222168 -lidiaschichter@gmail.com
Pick Up Laic Temple
Spoon River amaranto:
June 3th h 10.00 a.m.
Tales and Music
«Ma chi te cride d'essere...nu ddio?
Ccà dinto,'o vvuo capi, ca simmo eguale?...Muorto si'tu e muorto so' pur'io;
ognuno comme a 'na'ato é tale e quale» from the poetry “A Livella” by Totò, a Neapolitan actor
Ccà dinto,'o vvuo capi, ca simmo eguale?...Muorto si'tu e muorto so' pur'io;
ognuno comme a 'na'ato é tale e quale» from the poetry “A Livella” by Totò, a Neapolitan actor
“Who do you think
you are? Maybe a God? Here we are all the same. You are dead, I am dead too. We
are all the same”
Voice: Mauro
Violin: Oleksandr
Images: Luciano
With the partnership of Teatro dell’Ortica
Laic Temple
Photo Tour
June 3rd h3.00 p.m.
Eternity in a picture
Photo Tour with a
professional photographer who will tell secrets and tecniques to get a perfect
photo and with a guide who will tell the history and the style of the
statues. All participants wil practice
with the camera.
Gospel Concert
June 4th 11.00 a.m.
Millelire Gospel Choir
Directed by Andrea Porta
May 25th at 5.30 pm in Strada Nuova Museums, in Palazzo
Rosso and in Franco Albini’s Showcase inauguration of the exhibition “Immagini per
l’Eternità”- “Pictures for the Eternity” - Staglieno Cemetery observed by
19th century photographers , will be open for visiting till 30th July
Free entrance for all the events