The Laying Out, Planting and Managing of Cemeteries

Laying Out, Planting, and Managing of Cemeteries - and on the Improvement of Churchyards. With Sixty Engravings
A book by J.C. Loudon, with a new Foreword by James Stevens Curl
Professor James Stevens Curl is proposing to bring out a limited, numbered, finely bound, hardback, enlarged facsimile edition of Loudon’s seminal work on cemeteries, originally published in London in 1843 on very poor-quality paper and with an extremely small font. The new edition will be on good paper, with an enlarged font, and will include a new annotated Introductory Essay on Loudon’s involvement with cemeteries by Professor Curl, with Bibliography, a colour portrait of Loudon, a facsimile of Loudon’s Obituary of 1844, a List of Subscribers, and an Index compiled by Auriol Griffith-Jones.
Discover more here.