The Certosa of Bologna summer calendar, the programme of cultural events curated by the Civic Museum of the Risorgimento with the contribution of Bologna Servizi Cimiteriali, returns from May 27th to November 2nd to enhance and promote the knowledge of the historical, artistic and architectural heritage enclosed in the city monumental cemetery.
Highlighting its involvement in an international network for the enhancement of historic cemeteries, the Bolognese event starts on the occasion of the annual Week of Discovering European Cemeteries, organized by the ASCE – Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe to raise the awareness of European citizens on the importance of cemeteries, and present them from a different perspective to all their visitors.
Here is the programme of the events during WDEC 2023:
Saturday, May 27th, 10 AM | Laboratory
Certosa, Graves from the XX century (Tombe ‘900): memory and conservation
The volunteers from the Amici della Certosa Association, along with the students from the Arcangeli Art School of Bologna, present an account of their participation in the “Graves from the XX century (Tombe ‘900)” project, which was completed on 8 grave monuments.The Certosa, which hosts the majority of Bolognese families from the past, is an architectural work of a great artistic and historic value. The graves located here, which are actual funerary artworks, gain the title of MOMENTUM, which in Latin means MEMORY, a place of memory and testimony for future generations.
The project by the Amici della Certosa Association of Bologna wants to start from focusing on unique, significant graves from the XX century and then create a bridge between past, present and future, to preserve over time the MEMORY that was delivered to us, through the direct and collective participation of citizens (members and students).
Curated by Francisco Pérez and Lucia Vanghi from the Amici della Certosa Association, in partnership with the Arcangeli Art School (4D class) and the Civic Museum of the Risorgimento of Bologna.
Meeting at 9.45 AM at the historic-artistic Info Point (main entrance: churchyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Compulsory reservation to be made via e-mail, at the following address: amicidellacertosa@gmail.com.
Entrance: free
Sunday, May 28th, 10 AM | Guided tour
Bruno Boari – a low-profile artist
A journey with Roberto Martorelli and Angela Madesani, author of the monographic volume “Bruno Boari. Un artista sottovoce” (Nomos Edizioni, 2022), dedicated to the sculptor Bruno Boari (1896-1964).
We will retrace his intense activity, which lasted over 40 years and saw him engaging with different techniques: from sculpture to medal design, painting and the monuments of the Certosa of Bologna Monumental Cemetery, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A journey which, in our country’s history, dates back for its vast majority to the first half of the XX century, which was marked by two world wars and the presence of a dictatorship. A man of good character, a hard worker, politically conservative, and an artist of true talent.
Curated by the Amici della Certosa Association with the Civic Museum of the Risorgimento.
Meeting at the main entrance (churchyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Compulsory reservation to be made via e-mail at the following address: prenotazionicertosa@gmail.com (you must receive an e-mail to confirm the reservation).
Entrance: 8.00 € (it is preferable to pay cash).
Wednesday, May 31st, 7.30 PM | Guided tour
Do you know who died? A sunset visit to the Certosa
Every death is a shocking event, but the death of public figures has an echo which is transmitted over time. During this guided tour with Michela Cavina, we will search for our city’s prominent personalities, who were regarded as actual local treasures and whose death was a real shock for several fellow citizens! We will find the famous poet, but also the composer of canzonettas, the hero of the Risorgimento and the woman of the show, mourned by all music lovers. There will also be remarkable women and heroes, as well as a well-known… dustman.
Curated by Mirarte.
Meeting at the entrance of the Church of San Girolamo della Certosa, Via della Certosa 18.
Compulsory reservation to be made at the following link: https://mirartecoop.it/eventi/.
Entrance: full 13.00 € / reduced 8.00 € (children from 6 to 12 years, persons with disabilities) (for every paid entrance, 2 EUR will be donated for improvement works to be carried out at the Certosa).
Wednesday, May 31st, 8.30 PM | Guided tour
The secret Certosa
A guided tour with Roberto Martorelli, to walk in the silence of the cemetery, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Rooms hidden by the dark of night, poorly explored cloisters, wonderful artworks which are hardly visible by a distracted passer-by. The rooms of the cemetery and its monuments will tell stories of forbidden love, suspected deaths, irreprehensible lives. The first evening meeting of the summer 2023 at the Certosa.
Curated by the Amici della Certosa Association with the Civic Museum of the Risorgimento.
Meeting at the main entrance (churchyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Compulsory reservation to be made via e-mail at the following address: prenotazionicertosa@gmail.com (you must receive an e-mail to confirm the reservation).
Entrance: 10.00 € (it is preferable to pay cash)
Friday, June 2nd, 3.30 PM | Guided tour
Forms from the past – the discovery of the present
A walk with Roberto Martorelli to discover the roots of our Bolognese, Italian and European community. Internationally-renowned monuments, characters who made history, visits of famous foreigners to the cemetery. A place of peace and happiness where, in the past, citizen and tourists found food for thought and meditation.
The cemetery is part of the ASCE - Association of European Significant Cemeteries, the largest and most influential no-profit organization which is in charge of preserving and promoting the artistic and historic value of the places of the collective memory.
Curated by the Civic Museum of the Risorgimento.
Meeting at the main entrance (churchyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Entrance: free
Saturday, June 3rd, 03.30 PM | Laboratory
Green walks | Small explorations at the Certosa
An exploratory journey targeted at children from 5 to 11 years old, to discover together the Certosa, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. During the walk, a few small observation exercises, focused on nature, art and poetry, will be proposed. With the help of a special map, we will cross this space and we will try to grasp the small magics of this place; at the end of the activity, the children will work on a personalized postcard, which portrays a glimpse of the city.
Curated by the Civic Museum of the Risorgimento in the context of “Museums and culture of accessibility”, a project by the Bologna Civic Museums Sector.
Meeting at 9.45 AM at the historic-artistic Info Point (main entrance: churchyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Entrance: free
Sunday, June 4th, 4 PM | Laboratory
The officinal Certosa – secrets of nature in the shade of cypress trees
On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Ulisse Aldrovandi, also the Amici della Certosa Association commemorates the father of natural science. A walk with Manuela Capece, among medical traditions, cosmetic remedies, historical anecdotes, officinal curiosities and more.
Curated by the Amici della Certosa Association, in partnership with the Civic Museum of the Risorgimento.
Meeting at the main entrance (churchyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Compulsory reservation to be made via e-mail at the following address: prenotazionicertosa@gmail.com.
Entrance: donation (free for the members of the Amici della Certosa Association)
Additional information: www.museibologna.it/risorgimento