Environmental sustainability at the Old Cemetery San Pietro

Old San Pietro Cemetery in Avigliana, Italy
The Association Friends of Avigliana preserves and promotes the cultural, historical, and environmental significance of the Old Cemetery San Pietro in Avigliana, Italy through various projects.

About the cemetery

The Old Cemetery San Pietro, created as it was customary close to the homonymous church (an 11th century masterpiece of Romanesque art), experienced vicissitudes and history of the Sabaudian Avigliana. Well-known as a burial site since the 1500s, it remained unchanged until the early 1900s. 

Below are some of the recent activities at the cemetery related to the environment, which the Association Friends of Avigliana is giving their devoted attention to.

Creation of a QR Code

In 2023, the Association Friends of Avigliana created a QR Code assisted path, leading visitors through both the cemetery and the church.

This sustainability-oriented project aims to provide guided visits without the use of paper brochures. It is being regularly updated by adding new information.

As for the cemetery guide, it consists of three parts: history, brief stories regarding characters from Avigliana and botanic heritage.

Botanic park

This nature path focuses on some plants and shrubs of particular botanical interest present in the cemetery.

We can see a beautiful tilia-tree (Tilia Vulgaris) lined walkway leading to the cemetery entrance.

This year the Association Friends of Avigliana is aiming to install a fully sustainable solar lighting system along this walkway. 

Wooden sculpture from dried cypress

Untill a few years ago, a nice cypress (Cupressus Sempervirens) was part of the cemetery’s greenery.

Unfortunately, climate change caused it to dry out. The Association Friends of Avigliana, in agreement with the Municipality, decided to transform it into a wood sculpture. On April 2nd, 2023, this work was inaugurated in the presence of the sculptor Mr Luca Germena, the mayor Mr Andrea Archinà and the President of the Association Mr Silvio Amprino. This is how the cypress lives on, and with its expression of peace and calmness invites to look at the sky with hope.

This work of art has no name, so visitors can interpret it their own way.

Here is the sequence of events:

You can find the entire original article HERE.