On May 30, 2024, a special event will be held at the Eastern Cemetery in Oslo, where current projects related to environmental sustainability will be presented.
Event significance
The Cemeteries and Burials Agency of Oslo would like to inform the public about their work towards becoming more sustainable and how they meet future climate challenges. By arranging this event, they want to:- Create acceptance and attitude change toward transforming cemeteries into wild parks rather than green well-groomed park facilities.
- Get feedback on the design of gravestones that collect rainwater and emit this water to the grave’s flower bed.
- Show how they reuse gravestones.
- Raise their reputation as a locomotive in the industry.
- Emphasize their responsibility as key contributors to the sustainable management of important city resources.
- Show that new things can be tested out also in a “conservative” industry.
- Share their expertise.
Current projects
Ongoing projects that are planned to be present:- “Water Fear 2030” project (gravestones that collect rainwater and emit water to the grave’s flower bed)
- Rainwater collection project at Grefsen Cemetery (both the water tank project and the construction of the swamp area/rain bed)
- Use of pollinator-friendly plants and test field (flower bed)
- Flower meadows
- Other water-saving measures
- Dead tree trunks
- Reuse of gravestones
- Zero-emission equipment
Time and location of the event
Time: Thursday, May 30, 2024, from 11:30 am and throughout the day
Location: The presentations will
take place in the Large Chapel at the Eastern Cemetery, and in the areas outside the chapels.
The project Water Fear 2030 will be available at the Eastern Cemetery the whole week (and probably till next summer).
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Wenche Madsen Eriksson at wenche.eriksson@gpe.oslo.kommune.no or + 47 957 05 426.
Examples of gravestones that collect rainwater