Propose new significant cemetery

Propose new cemetery
Having your cemetery recognized as Significant cemetery of Europe is important in many aspects.

It emphasizes importance of the cemetery to it's visitors, local and regional public. By setting the status, cemetery may have better access to cultural heritage protection and other funds.

At the same time, cemetery receives promotion through ASCE communication channels and (optionally) at Cemeteries route.

To have your cemetery attributed as significant by ASCE, you have to follow this procedure:

Organization starting the process (applicant) must be a "Cemetery organization" member of ASCE

It is important to recognize that this is the first step even if the cemetery of the applicant will not be recognized as significant. If you are not a Cemetery member yet, please follow this link.

Only the organization (company, city council department) that manages the cemetery can propose a cemetery to become significant.

Other members cannot propose cemeteries?

It is important to stress out that research organizations and individual members cannot propose cemeteries to become significant. This is due to the fact that only cemeteries with strong commitment of cemetery management (organization managing the cemetery) can be recognized as significant by ASCE.

In case you are individual or research organization you can initiate the communications between ASCE and cemetery management to help a cemetery become recognized as significant. Our secretariat and steering committee members will gladly help in communicating with established management (or other authority) to get them interested in our work and mission.

Procedure for members of ASCE

1. Fill the Significant Cemetery application form

Applicant fills out the

2. The filled out form is checked by secretariat

ASCE secretariat checks if everything is filled out correctly and lists the cemetery for confirmation by ASCE Steering Committee (SC).

3. Steering committee decision

ASCE secretariat provides the filled out form and other cemetery materials (descriptions, photos, books, brochures,...) to SC. At SC meetings (March, September) voting is passed for each of cemetery application.

After being recognized as Significant cemetery of Europe

Get and use Significant Cemetery Insignia

All the cemeteries that are approved by SC are recognized as Significant cemeteries of Europe and are passed on for further promotion, exposure and research.

Applicant receives official certificate and rights to use theinsignia (plate) at the cemetery.

ReEvaluation tests

Significant Cemeteries are randomly passed through a reevaluation procedure with following points:
  • Is cemetery management organization still a member of ASCE?
  • Valid and responsive contact and management data
  • Checking if all the provided content from the form is still valid
  • Cemetery involvement into ASCE projects in past 3 years
  • ASCE plates visibility
  • Are there other ASCE materials available at cemetery (in the offices, tourism offices)?
You can read more details at Methodology of Recognizing Significant Cemeteries document.