The programme of Sunday 28th August:
At 10.00 / 10.30 / 11.00
Starting from the outside yard, guided tours will be taking place, guided by volunteers of the Civil Service and the employees of the Monumental Cemetery.
At 10.00-12.00
In the conference room visitors will have the possibility to watch the projection of two short movies made by students of the Municipal School of Cinema Luchino Visconti:- “Lost in Milano” by Valentina Chiarello Ciardo and Martina Pignato. Music by Daniele Sosio and Marcello Speziale with Aksinja Bellone, Stephanie Vella, Claudia Colombo, Marco Pignato and Marcello Speziale
Photography by Giorgia Ripa, Monia Donati, Marina Resta. Editing by Marina Resta, Giorgia Ripa, Monia Donati. Music by Jacopo Mezzanotti. Sound by Monia Donati, Giorgia Ripa, Marina Resta.
At 11.15
A theatrical play entitled "Schiaparelli su Marte" by Emanuele Aldrovandi will be taking place in the Famedio. Directed by Luca Rodella with Stefano Annoni. Music by Roberto Dibitonto.
At 12.15
A concert entitled will be taking place in the upper Gallery.
With "Interplay experience trio": John De Martino (drums); Antonio Giuranna (guitar); Roberto Antonio Dibitonto (tenor sax, soprano sax).