Discover impotant monuments and graves full of love at the Westerveld Cemetery & Crematorium and the Moscowa Cemetery & Crematorium.
Individual walks
During the national Weekend of the Cemetery, whose theme this year is "Cemeteries: full of love", Westerveld Cemetery & Crematorium (Driehuis, Netherlands) and Moscowa Cemetery & Crematorium (Arnhem, Netherlands) are offering very special walks.
“As group walks and activities are currently not allowed because of Covid-19 measures, we are pleased to welcome visitors in a different manner,” explains Carla Bosua, director of the two locations. “After all, our beautiful memorial parks are very suitable for a walk, either alone or in a small group. We provide a map and description so that everyone can discover for themselves that our cemeteries are also ‘full of love’.”
On Sunday, May 30th, 2021, Westerveld Cemetery & Crematorium is offering a very special countryside walk which covers a number of important monuments. A route description is available at the Petit Café Westerveld. Staff will be pleased to welcome walkers to the café patio where food and drinks are available.
A special route has been set out in Moscowa Memorial Park, to discover graves which are "full of love". - love for the loved ones, love for a hobby, pet or profession. The walk is extremely suitable for a solo trip or for a small group that wants to explore Moscowa Cemetery & Crematorium. Maps with the route description are available at the Moscowa tearoom.