The importance of cemeteries is changing, isn’t it?
And what role does ASCE play with this?
There are many cemeteries in Vienna. This is very special. A wonderful city with about 2.000.000 inhabitants and 55 cemeteries. So, even after being there, you can find what you are looking for in Vienna.
My heart found the cemeteries 4 years ago. Before I didn't care about death, graves, cemeteries, and finiteness. And then I started in the position of the general manager of Friedhöfe Wien. I made myself ready for this position, studied a lot of articles, numbers, data and facts and thought about the challenges in connection with the 500 hectares of cemetery area. And there was a lot of good advice like “It’s a safe business, people always die” and “At the end, everyone is coming to you”. So, what do you think about it? Is it true?
No, it is not! Cemeteries have changed. The expectations of cemeteries have changed because society has changed. Megatrends like urbanization, digitalization, globalization also influence life in cemeteries. We do not have enough time to visit and care for the grave sites, maybe we live in another city or country. The idea of a grave site has changed. So, there are many grave site owners, who left the cemeteries. The cultural heritage, the memory of those who have passed away is in jeopardy. ASCE understood this risk years ago. For 20 years, ASCE and its members have been working to emphasize the importance of cemeteries. Together we want to create a “new” value and contemporary importance for it.
But is it possible to actively change the importance of cemeteries for now and for the future?
We must rethink cemeteries. The “use” has always changed over the centuries. Often due to the location of the cemeteries. They were far away from the cities, they were the center part of the cities, they were trading markets, they were part of our life. It is a wonderful thought, that our beloved deceased are still part of our lives, of our living space and everyone can leave a little footprint, isn’t it?
So, what is our challenge, our responsibility as cemetery administrator, as cemetery designer?
We must adapt our offer for society. We must offer something for all requirements. Cemeteries must be interesting and valuable. Be creative! Do you have any idea about it?
We have: tradition meets alternative, analog meets digital, cemeteries support environmental protection and are an important part of our daily living.
Would you like some examples from Vienna?
Let's have a look at tradition:

Let's have a look at alternatives:

Let´s go digital:

That´s nature in the cemeteries:

Cemeteries (should) have many faces. This is what ASCE has stood for for the last 20 years: Together we update the importance of cemeteries to save cultural heritage. We create new networks, share experiences, and improve our services – together! The more people participate, the stronger the network and the ability to maintain and develop the value of the cemeteries. Be part of it!
Mag. Renate Niklas,
general manager of Friedhöfe Wien GmbH
You can access the original article HERE.
Find more about cemeteries in Vienna:
Friedhöfe Wien GmbHSimmeringer Hauptstraße 339 – 1110 Wien
post@friedhoefewien.at | www.friedhoefewien.at | www.digitalesgrab.at
Facebook & Instagram: @FriedhoefeWien