Guided tour at the New Cemetery in Belgrade
One of the events during the upcoming AGM will be a guided tour through the New Cemetery in Belgrade.
As a continuation of an intensive work with youth at cemeteries, this year we will have a special treat for the 2022 ASCE AGM & Conference participants. Namely, for several years now our company is taking part in Belgrade Internship Program intended for University Students. Two of our young interns are future Art Historians, who we believe will bring a fresh perspective, and will be our guides through the New Cemetery in Belgrade.
Meet Katarina and Marina

Katarina is 4th year Art History undergraduate student, vivacious and vibrant, but on the other hand serious and meticulous. We believe her to be a future scholar.
Marina is a master’s student of Art History, quiet, easy going, however determined and interested in variety of topics. We are sure she will have a bright future in her filed.
A short guided tour insight
To tickle your imagination, the following is a short insight in what you will be able to see and hear on September 15, 2022, at the New Cemetery in Belgrade.

In addition to many architectural and sculptural treasures of the New Cemetery in Belgrade, including its distinctive Neo-Byzantine style, you will be able to see WWI & WWII military cemeteries, WWI ossuaries, including the Garden of Remembrance (beautiful rose garden intended for accommodation of cremated remains, initially designed with the intention to become a Turkish Military Cemetery).
Our guides will share intriguing stories about many authentic characters: a lawyer and a diplomat who was a personal friend of French Prime Minister and a US President during the Great War, married to an "American Million Dollar Princess"; sculptor who won a gold medal at the Paris World Fair in 1900; intellectual and patriot, who inspired the work of a famous American sculptress called "Modern Crusader"; WWI Field Marshal after whom a mountain located in Alberta, Canada, was named to honor the Serbian sacrifice during the Great War as a part Allied efforts in Europe; and many foreigners who settled in Belgrade in late 1800s and made Serbia their home.
Finally, you will be able to hear a story of a diplomat and politician who initiated the transfer of the urn with cremated remains of the world-renowned scientist Nikola Tesla to Belgrade, including some interesting details about his funeral both in USA and Belgrade, and how his urn ended up in a local museum.
Looking forward to seeing you in Belgrade and sharing many more stories with you!
You can find the whole AGM 2022 program HERE.