The history of Rijeka, a city that flows, lives, and always rises again, is made up of our lives, efforts and efforts of our predecessors.
They are gone, but they are still here, ours. Lives lining up, one after the other through generations: births and deaths. And they became part of our lives, part of our city.
Kozala and Trsat cemeteries, as well as other Rijeka cemeteries, are in the heart of the city of Rijeka, its living part, taking over the role of parks, promenades, and open-air museums.
150 years ago, on January 1, 1872, information about a burial at the Kozala Cemetery was entered in the Book of Burials. That first entry is the official beginning of the Kozala Cemetery as a communal cemetery of public interest.
From then until today, under the cypress trees of Kozala, an entire city rests. 115 thousand deceased souls of different nationalities and religions.
Rijeka's multiculturalism, national and religious tolerance is felt at every step through the soothing alleys and lawns of its cemeteries.