WDEC 2024 at the Monumental cemetery of Pavia

Monumental cemetery of Pavia
Discover the events that will take place in Pavia, Italy, during the WDEC 2024 and throughout the year.

Events program

Events program 2024 at the Monumental Cemetery of Pavia

10 March 2024, at 15.00: The women of the "Famedio": a mission of love and generosity (conference)

22 March 2024, from 9.00 to 13.00: In memory of Giuliano Ravizza, a life for Pavia (Docufilm and conversation at the Cinema Teatro Politeama in Pavia - initiative aimed at high schools in Pavia)

➤ 24 March 2024, at 15.00: Female figures between allegory and reality (guided tour)

14 April 2024, at 15.00 and at 17.00: The history of the monumental cemetery, il "Famedio" (guided tour)

➤ 21 April 2024, at 15.00: Camillo Golgi: a Nobel Prize winner from Pavia (conference)

➤ 12 May 2024, at 18.00 and at 21.00: This death that accompanies us from morning to night (guided tour)

➤ 24 May 2024, at 21.00: Summer concert (musical event)

15 September 2024, at 18.00 and at 21.00: Sciences and scientists at the cemetery (theatrical visit)

➤ 13 October 2024, at 15.00 and at 17.00: The soldiers' graves and commemorative monuments (guided tour)

➤ 20 October 2024, at 15.00: Torquato Taramelli: a life for geology (conference)

➤ 24 November 2024, at 15.00: Pietro Pavesi and Ercole Fossati: two people from Pavia with a life dedicated to their city (conference)

➤ 15 December 2024, at 16.00: Christmas concert (musical event)

Additional information and reservations

All the events are free of charge but prior reservations are required since the number of places is limited.

For additional information and reservations contact "Assessorato Servizi Cimiteriali" al cfusco@comune.pv.it or +39 03823 99427.

More about the Monumental cemetery of Pavia at this LINK.

*Photo source: Di Lou Salomé - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=21209271