Event program
➤ Friday, 31 May 2024
18.00: Guided tour “In the Shadow of the Cypresses” in the Alcoy
Cemetery by Guiarte con Arte.
Information and reservations: www.guiarteconarte.es or 650 59 42 32
10€ / person
➤ Saturday, 1 June 2024
11.00: Dramatized guided tour "In the shadow of the cypresses" by Guiarte con Arte.
Information and reservations: www.guiarteconarte.es or 650 59 42 32
Price: 12€ / person
19.00: Dramatized visit to the Cemetery by Lluís Vidal and Elisa
Beneyto, organized by the GR Alcoy Modernista in collaboration with CAEHA and AC Samarita.
Registration: alcoymodernista@gmail.com
Donation: 10€
➤ Sunday, 2 June 2024
10.00: Guided tour of the Monumental Cemetery of Alcoy by
Quality Tours Mariola.
Information and online reservations: www.qtmariola.com
Price: 15€ / person
11.00: Dramatized guided tour "In the shadow of the cypresses" by Guiarte con Arte.
Information and reservations:
www.guiarteconarte.es or 650 59 42 32
Price: 12€ / person
Freemasonry route in the Alcoy Cemetery by Quality Tours Mariola.
and online reservations: www.qtmariola.com
Price: 15€ / person
Official flayer
You can download the official flyer (in Spanish) with the program of events at the Sant Antoni Abat Cemetery at this LINK.